Tsar Vladimir Putin Gog’s rise to power in Russia
Another significant factor in all this is that Russia’s economy is only thriving because of the high price of gas and oil in the world.… continue reading
Another significant factor in all this is that Russia’s economy is only thriving because of the high price of gas and oil in the world.… continue reading
One of the main problems in the world today is that once the tyrants and control freaks get in power there is no way to get them out of power. They have all the weapons and they pay the police forces. So with that in mind, tyranny is going to increase on earth. The tyrants already rule over at least one third of the population of the earth and tyranny in most of the other two thirds is under development.
When you disarm a nation you also make its citizens defenseless against the tyrants in government that will eventually arise. We should learn that lesson well.… continue reading
Since Hal Lindsey has been saying this for forty years now it has been false labor pains. Yet, today stresses in the earth do seem to be increasing and wars and famines are certainly on the horizon. So it looks like it won’t be long now to the time of Jacob’s trouble and the birth of the promised kingdom.
Last-days ‘birth pains’ have begun
… continue readingJesus used a Greek word for the labor pains of a woman about to give birth. Jesus knew that every generation could understand the illustration. His meaning is clear. Just as a woman experiences birth pains that increase in frequency and intensity just before giving birth, so ALL the signs of His return would increase in frequency and intensity just before His return.
Under the name of the Bible Literacy Project they will bring in every kind of brainwashing deception into the schools. The textbook they use is called “The Bible and its Influence” and it undermines the Bible’s authority and demeans and debases the God of the Bible. Do not support this deceptive project in your schools. Haters of Christianity have now gone from just banning the Bible to a very deceptive attempt to destroy is very foundations and replace it with global spirituality.
The deception of the Bible Literacy Project
… continue readingVirtually banned from American schools in the early ’60s, the Bible has faced a rising onslaught of wrath, ridicule and legal assaults.
Chuck Missler explains why Israel is God’s land, that the covenant to occupy it is to the Jews, and what this has to do with what we see going on in the Middle East today.
The Betrayal of the Chosen – CWN
… continue readingFor those of us who take the Bible seriously, it is a critical time to be up to date on our homework. There are many dangers in not taking the Word of God seriously.
The Land does not belong to the Palestinians. It doesn’t belong to the U.N., the U.S., or even Israel! It specifically is the Lord’s.
It is disturbing that Kay Warren, Brian McLaren, Jim Wallis and Samir Selmanovic would take part in these conferences that promote a pluralist cosmic false Christ and Universalism but it not surprising. If people cannot see where these undiscerning people are taking “emerging Christianity by now they have not been paying attention.
… continue readingKay Warren will be joining Brian McLaren, Jim Wallis, Samir Selmanovic and a number of other emerging church leaders at the Envision 08 Conference.
One can easily justify why they conform to be like the world. The hard thing is not conforming and still getting the message of salvation out to the lost. They are not going to find the message of salvation through you being cool for Jesus but they may through your heavenly warmness.
The Church Of The Cool And Groovy (A Worldy Christian View) – CWN
… continue readingIt’s no secret that churches are using gimmicks to attract the masses. Much like all of the rock bands I worked with, the cooler and hipper you are, the more you can attract a crowd. This is prevalent in so many churches, and it usually starts in the youth groups.
Derry Brownfield is probably correct after the crash the nation cannot go back to faith and moral values that they never had.
Derry Brownfield — When the Stock Market Crashes?
… continue readingI don’t expect so see the majority of the population go back to old-fashioned values. How can we as a nation develop faith, morals, principles, ethics, ideals and Biblical standards when they have never been taught to this generation? It’s only the older generation that sang Christmas Carols, prayed in school, and heard old-fashioned sermons condemning sin and teaching repentance. Our people have been taught the Bible is full of hate speech, prayer should never be heard in a public place, it’s alright to murder unborn babies and the golden rule is to “do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you.”
The atheists are in vogue again. Just like there were in the past when atheism and evil philosophies rose in the world. We must be heading toward a new demonic deception and these delusional God haters are helping to set the stage. This is a good article that puts their stupid arguments in the proper trash bin.
What Triggered Such a Sudden Onslaught of Hard-Core, Mean-Spirited Atheistic Propaganda? – CWN
… continue readingThe evidence clearly shows that many of our institutions of higher leaning are cesspools of atheism and hotbeds of radicalism, including sexual radicalism. It’s as though we’re reliving the pre-French and pre-Bolshevik revolutionary eras.
I know there are pastors that are promoting these Narnia films as Christian. I think they are seeing things but are they also being set up for the Narnia film that will come out in 2014 called “The Last Battle” that has a universalism message. Since the emerging church and many church leaders have already embraced the heresy of universalism that seems very likely. The world in 2014 after the war against Islamic fundamentalism will want to believe in universalism. Will this film help along those lines and will the same pastors continue to promote this as Christian. I would think that it is more than likely.… continue reading
What a totally bazaar concept “lost Christians”? This is an oxymoron! If these “Christians” have lost their faith in the Bible, the church and Christian beliefs then they are not “lost Christians” they are not Christians!
Thirty-one million people have left these churches because they were never believers they were just cultural Christians. It is happening in the U.S., Canada and Europe because many of the mainline churches in the West do not teach or practice biblical Christianity. All they have is denominational rituals. They baptize people into the church as babies and then they call them Christians. Then when they grow up and leave they say they are “lost Christians.… continue reading
We need to support those who are fighting against the evil forces that are destroying this nation
Support our troops in the moral war
… continue readingYears ago, I read George Orwell’s “1984” and doubted that the warped, inside-out and upside-down world he described could be possible in America. But now, we’re approaching it at warp speed.
The “thought police” are here and moving into every area of our society. “Big Brother” government is not fully in evidence yet, but a couple of presidential candidates seem hopeful of ushering it in, promising that all our needs will be met and all our problems solved – by a bloated, all-powerful benevolent “Big Brother” government.
Its about time that some national organization stood up against the unconstitutional decrees of the IRS. If the IRS wants to go to court on this issue lets go at it. The IRS will lose. The fact that no one has ever lost tax-exempt status for what they preached from the pulpit is evidence that they do not want a court fight. They would just rather bully everyone into compliance. It is time that this self censorship by Christians stopped and now you have a national organization that will defend you if the IRS revokes your tax-exempt status.
Pastors called to defy IRS censorship rules
… continue readingChristian pastors should stop censoring themselves in fear of an “unconstitutional” 1954 provision in the IRS code that has threatened to eliminate their church tax-exempt status if they speak out against positions held by political candidates, urges a leading legal alliance.
The European Union plans to open their own embassies worldwide. This is just one more major step to a federalized European superpower that Daniel indicated would rise out of the area of the Old Roman Empire in the last days.
EU plans international embassies – Telegraph
… continue readingThe European Union will open its own embassies under a plan critics fear represents a “power grab” by Brussels officials pushing for a federal superstate.
The secret plan represents the first time that full EU embassies have been discussed seriously.
The “Embassies of the Union” would be controlled by a new EU diplomatic service created by the Lisbon Treaty.
Bono, Rick Warren, Schuller, Bill Hybells, George Bush, Obama, and many others and most of the Emerging Church movement shape shifters all believe in pluralism and universalism while claiming to be Christians. Their Christianity is really religious dominionism. They want to use religion, government, media and the power elite to bring in total world governance and establishment of their idealist earthly utopia in the name of their higher power. What they will actually bring in will be the Antichrist figure who will claim to fulfill all the expectations of religions. The harlot woman is about to ride the Beast.
Bono, Universalism, and the Emerging Church?… continue reading
I agree with what Steve Camp says in this article but have two statements and one observation on what he said. I observe you made a comment on Christian bloggers making revenue by putting advertising on their blogs as if this is wrong. Then I observe that you posted your article on a website that has many advertisements on both sides of your article?
My statement is that many bloggers and websites ministries that present Christian material are working full time at it and I think they have a right to try to make some income to support themselves and their families.… continue reading
This is a very well written article on why pastors should not be promoting 12 step programs like AA. I wrote my own article on this subject a while back that says much the same things. You will find it in the New Evangelicals and post-modern psychobabble section of a much larger article I wrote on Dominion theology and where it will lead the church. There are a couple of good reference links on my piece. One is on the founders of AA, Bill Wilson, who was a real nut case. Also read the below article it gives additional insights.
A perfect example of a graduate of a 12 step program is President George Bush.… continue reading
I would not doubt that you will soon see a change of position on homosexuality in one or more of these churches. Many of the church members have already been brainwashed by their employers and media. With that in mind the biblical illiterate will shift their thinking. By the way, that is most of the people that call themselves Christians.
Soulforce Marches On To Churches and Christian Colleges To Normalize Homosexuality – CWN
… continue readingstarting this Sunday, Mother’s Day, Soulforce begins a month-long campaign targeting select churches. They have multiple purposes including trying to convince pastors and people that their interpretation of the verses in the Bible condemning homosexuality are misconstrued.
What can be more hypocritical than a so called friend that is doing everything possible to destroy you? Before this war on terror ends we will have to deal with Saudi Arabia. I am convinced that by propping up this evil royal family we are doing great harm to the world.
I hate to be blunt but if I were in charge I would give the Saudi Arabian ruling thugs an ultimatum. You either quit fighting against us through subversion and extortion or our cruise missiles will take the war on radical Islam to their own mansions and yachts. They think they are immune from any threat because they black mail us with oil but one aircraft carrier group in just 20 minutes could send the entire ruling family to their just reward and probably have no impact on oil production.… continue reading
Carla at “More Books and Things” put together some good information and links on modern day false prophets such as Rick Joyner, Bob Jones, Mike Bickle, Paul Cain, and Benny Hinn. She also mentions and has links on Todd Bentley’s book “The Journey into the Miraculous” and Carla lets us find out what Jim Goll is saying. This is really pretty twisted stuff.
Like I have indicated before, the spiritual deception is not just coming from New Age teachers like Oprah. It is coming from the Emergent leaders and Word-Faith. You need to read the article and follow the links to begin to understand how fast this journey into apostasy is taking shape.… continue reading