Happy 235th birthday America! I Know you are on life support today at 235 years old but maybe like Hezekiah God will grant you 15 more years.
I do have to wonder what is in America’s immediate future? I already said enough about all that on the various posts on this blog and since I do try to live in Internet reality, I know that there will not be many people reading anything new that I might say over the long holiday weekend anyway.
So go out and wave the red white and blue that have the 57 stars this weekend with your family and friends and enjoy each other and the fireworks.
I do have to mention that it would have been better if Hezekiah had not got what he prayed for but let’s hope the Hezekiah analogy does not apply to America except for her healing.
Anyway, I hope you will all have a great holiday and I am not a Jehovah Witness so I am free to say:
“Yo prometo lealtad a la bandera de los estados Unidos de America, y a la Republica que representa, una Nacion bajo Dios, entera, con libertad y justicia para todos.”
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,and to the Republic for which it stands:one Nation under God, indivisible,With Liberty and Justice for all. 😀
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39 thoughts on “America on life support at 235 years old”
I just bought the Nook for my wife and the very first book I “shopped” was the King James Version, which actually ended up costing 99 cents (there was some free version, but I only trust the KJV). Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that the downloaded version is an illustrated version containing King James’ (or Prince James) introduction, which clearly compels the people of the kingdom to read the bible to know the ways all should be walking.
Unlike America, which is the exact opposite – The government of America, including the bigot/corrupt judges, does not want anyone to know the ways they should be walking (the seven spirits). In fact, the bigot/corrupt judges consider exposure to the word and spirit of God to be harmful.
Frankly, I don’t see any life support. I just see all things grim just over the horizon.
Don – keep blogs like the past two coming. I love how you don’t hold back. I love the “mad max” analogy – scary, but a very real possibility. The pending wars will render this big godless government inoperable, particularly when (not if) there is an EMP attack. Just absolutely insane. If I were to describe America in one word, it would be insane.
That classic picture of Iwojima, now that was a picture that made this country proud. If only we had the love of country that we had back then. If every American looked at that picture this weekend and celebrated that picture, we’d have a country again.
God Bless you all, be safe, and have a grateful Independence Day.
Thank You Don!!!
To all my fellow believers, have a blessed time to celebrate our freedoms in America, and especially our freedom in Christ Jesus.
I never thought I would even think this: this could be our last Fourth of July as the United States of America…
BUT our eternal citizenship is in God’s Kingdom, and we will meet to celebrate His extravagance, mercy and grace to us, the Church, His Beloved! Our place is reserved and there is a place for everyone who simply surrenders to our King!!! We are **so blessed**!!!
I have read your blog for some time now and enjoy it. I have never responded, but today I just wanted you to know there are probably many like me.
Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, our glorious future.
Thanks for taking the time to tell me Bruce
Don ,
Ditto to Bruce’s comments, There is so much information on your blog, I am still working my
way through your articles. I am learning a lot from your posts. The time your spend trying to
wake people up to reality is appreciated. Hope you have a BLESSED Holiday Weekend.
Thanks Don. Have a great weekend by celebrating the birth of our nation and you will likely be annoying a USA hating liberal to boot.
Time for us rural people to organize a mobile pool party using the back of our red white and blue pickup trucks. We can call it a redneck pride parade 😎
Don ,
I do have a pickup truck , but it’s gray with a flag on it. I have the unfortunate circumstance
of having a sister who is a die hard liberal. My wife always asks me not to engage in any
political discussions when my sister comes to visit. I will celebrate my freedom this weekend.
My attitude is that my freedom in Christ is something to celebrate every day. Once in awhile I
remind my sister that I am her big brother so as the oldest I can say what I want even to her.
I guess you just can’t change a ole Texas country boy. Annoying liberals is something I do really well. I am almost as politically incorrect as Jesus was to the Pharisees. BLESSINGS!!!!
We are proud of you. Annoy a liberal by telling them that Jesus was conservative. Quote passages of “Demonic” by Ann Coulter from the back of your pickup truck.
Or just tell them that global warming is a statist socialist crock made up for liberals that will believe anything. Or tell them that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery and his “Audacity” was actually written by an audacious white terrorist, etc etc. There is a lot of truth out there that will set liberals off like a fire cracker on the fourth of July.
Don ,
Problem with liberals is that they can’t handle the truth. Abe Lincoln said the truth does not
hurt unless it ought to. Have you heard how upset Dennis Miller was when Al Gore bought the
house next doot to him in Monticedo ( next to Santa Barbara ) in California. If Gore lived next
door to me I’d burn my trash. Telling a liberal that Jesus is in fact Almighty God really sets
them off. Not only is the birth certificate a forgery , it’s a poor quality forgery. Obama can’t give a speech without a teleprompter , why would any intelligent person believe he could
write a book ? OK , I’ve sounded off enough. Today is my youngest daughter’s 18th birthday so
I need to go celebrate with her.
Anyone going to Joplin for the 4th celebration?
Hi Don Fritts,
If I had the misfortune of living next door to Al Gore…I’d idle my SUV in my driveway.
Wow, another Texan…well, as I said before, Texas has the most Jesus Loving signs I’ve ever seen…seems wherever I go in Texas, Jesus is surely spoken of…but I guess, reality says, there are lib’s there, of course…too bad for such an awesome state.
The people who comment on this blog are so awesome…and Don’s not so bad himself : )
Austin (UT) seems to be the lib center of Texas.
Hey Bob From Texas,
So…Austin Texas is the mentally deranged capital of Texas huh ?…I’ll remember that.
There are many places in TX I’d move to…I’ll just stay away from Austin if I do.
In Texas it would probably have to be west of the Pecos for me. Mountains, dry, sunny and some areas are well over 4000 foot elevation to get out of heat. Also no fire ants.
What about your plans to move into downtown New York City where you could have huge bunches of liberals surrounding you at all times : )
I agree – stay away from fire ants. I still don’t know why God created fire ants.
I think Dallas/Ft. Worth is capital of the WOF folks.
OK Bob and Don,
I know this is going to sound bizarre but I am really intrigued with ants…they really are incredibly smart and powerful, taking into account their size.
They gather food in the summer, for their winter dwelling…and the holes that they make are usually water proof (for rain), yet their caverns allow them to drink…amazing what God has created even down to the ant.
And yes, I know, the fire ant stings and hurts humans but it’s really intended to kill their prey.
You probably will also be intrigued with the huge flying fire ants of Revelation chapter 9 and they are not intended to kill their prey.
I really hope I’m not here to see those Revelation9 Locusts, shaped like horses for battle, that sting like a scorpion.
I’m just saying that I think highly, and am intrigued, by what God has created. I think nature and the Ecosystem is beauty created by Gods hand.
4th of July (Independence Day)…
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” ~Patrick Henry
It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. ~ George Washington
In my mind, debating or bringing up quotes from the past as to what principles the nation might have started on is futile. The fact is that the nation has turned out the lights and walked away from those principles of 200 years ago. Thomas Jefferson and his time seems to be the official beginning of the end, the turning point when the founding principles were officially abandoned (also a futile debate).
The most disturbing aspect is how [bigoted/corrupt] judges are the supreme rulers and the will of the people is casually discarded. That is THE recipe for civil war, at a time when world war is looming. Add to that all the high tech material dependence and this nation is staring at unparalleled disaster.
I would like to think America could make it to July 4, 2012, but that prospect is seemingly dicey – as a poster above also commented.
re: “Obama was sent to execute judgment on the nation” (paraphrase from prior blog) — interesting. I hadn’t thought of it that way.
Insane is how I see it. Anything but truth. My upcoming vacation to the Grand Canyon should be interesting as truth (flood) collides with ridiculous lies about how some stream over millions/billions years (bow down for the sacred phrase… “millions and billions of years”) carved it out — no, those layers are called sediment – the flood formed them naturally very quickly (there’s that word again). Yep, insane is the operative word.
Now, back to those fireworks…
As the one who posted those quotes of Patrick Henry & George Washington, I agree that it is futility as far as debate.
I commented those because of the Independence day holiday and because I agree with those quotes as this nation has turned it’s back on the Living God…and this (what you see today) is what you get.
In fact Craig, I agree with everything you said in all your paragraphs.
~David, thanks… I’m actually surprised with the Patrick Henry quote and it is very wise – you would never hear a statesman say something that straight up today.
While I’m on the subject of the constitution, I just skimmed an article about how Obama and the DEMs want to skirt the debt limit by wrangling (corrupting) the 14th amendment of the Constitution. I just read article 4 and there is no way in the world it can be re-interpreted to their agenda of manipulating the debt limit without Congressional authority: They simply are ignoring the phrase: “authorized by law”; Article 4 of Amendment 14 cannot possibly be reinterpreted to skirt congress. If Obama even attempts such a dastardly deed, he has thus acted with CONTEMPT of the constitution. That goes far beyond immediate impeachment proceedings – that is treason. And any of the DEM accomplices should be thrown in jail at the very least.
And don’t even get me started on the corrupt judges in Michigan throwing out a state constitution amendment by corrupting the 14th amendment, by putting on record that the state constitutional amendment, by 58% of the populous, was (and I am not making this up) “onerous”; It really wouldn’t matter if it were a simple state law – these perverted judges have an agenda to throw out the will of the people with casual disregard. It’s amazing how pure corruption will weazle the words of the constitution to mean something entirely different. Kind of like Don’s fury with the corrupt evangelical movement corrupting God’s very own words. This nation is rotten to the core.
~David, et al – have a blessed 4th.
It must be that to become a supreme court judge in our nations one must be ignorant of justice, have a degree in law, and most importantly an honorary degree in socialist humanism.
Hey Brian The Aussie; I agree – although they re-define justice as “social justice” and make it their God. They process “law” through the filter of “social justice” and then render their decisions. Of course, they define justice. They look at people in our age bracket and calculate that our carbon footprint is larger than what we contribute to society and so we become “expendable.” That is social justice in their view.
Hi Bob,
Yeah, it certainly seems that way in regard to us older folks.
It’s almost like a ‘Logan’s Run’ mentality….hope they never come up with the mandatory “carousel” when we reach a certain age.
I guess the Sandmen would be after Christians more than the older folks anyway.
Logan’s Run! – I had forgotten about that story. I use to have nightmares about that.
Hi Bob,
I think we have something worse and more sinister than Logan’s Run…It’s the nightmare of the “Liberal Run”…and Obama is the Head Sandman : )
Judges trashing the constitution is assuredly self defeating – who’s to say, when they destroy all rights, privileges and protections the constitution provides, that these perverted judges would have any shred of rights, privileges or protections themselves? Throughout all of history, no government has ever stood on might.
The government taking a coward stance in the face of untold disaster looming on the horizon is also assuredly self defeating. Logan’s run and sandmen doesn’t play out in the face of an EMP.
The governor of MD, Spendening (‘er, Glendening), did one thing smart – he went about to pull the NFL offer off the table. Art Model snatched the offer before it expired and moved the then Cleveland Browns to Baltimore. If the congress/government et al even attempt to close the EMP gap and harden the power supply, the adversaries of what’s left of a free America will be crawling out of the woodwork to fire off an attack.
An EMP wipes the slate clean. I.e., mad max. Those corrupt Judges are history at that point. Might of the people will become the rule of law.
See today’s post
Hmmm, if I remember right (from the book), much of civilization collapsed and only a few active cities remained, and the computers in these cities kept all the resources in equilibrium by creating the myth surrounding the artificially shortened lifespans of the inhabitants. The book was MUCH BETTER than the movie or TV series.
Seems not to many people are commenting the last few days so I wanted to take the opportunity to say something…
Through all the problems with the U.S. and the world in these prophetic years, for those who Love The Lord and read his Word daily, there is much joy to be had.
I listen to a favorite pastor of mine (Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel) daily on his CD series as he takes me through the Word Of God, then I read the chapters I was taught.
It is truly uplifting and no matter how bad things get, it’s something I can count on and be joyful about.
I hope all who read Don’s blog read the Word Of God daily and are as fortunate as I am…to be so joyful daily in God’s Word.
Hi David,
I come to this blog daily but don’t post very often. There are some pretty heavy thinkers that write here. I usually don’t feel I can add much.
I have the feeling some event is about to happen that will “break” things wide open. I have no idea what it will be. I thought for awhile it would be another Gaza flotilla event – but the likelihood of that seems diminished.
The EPA seems to be pushing Texas and Perry regarding power plant emissions. Texas is an “electric island” so to speak. Many of the utilities may be unable to respond quickly enough and may have to shut down. Perry may get into “confrontation mode” with the EPA.
But, God is still in control. We can rest securely in that.
Hi’ya Bob,
I agree, there are some really awesome, great thinking people at Don’t blog and since I know that they’re going to be stuck with me for eternity, I’m thankful we have the chance to share and get to know one another.
I agree Bob, as we move closer to the Rapture and Jesus’ feet landing on the Mt. Of Olives, I feel a buildup and big happenings soon also.
For those who want to know what’s really wrong with this country, look no further than this story.
The Georgia Police diligently busted these two perpetrators while they were in the act of committing their heinous, unthinkable crime.
Will Obama continue to get the “blank check” and continue to destroy our country with debt into oblivion…or…will Boehner prevail, which could cause Obama to lash out at American seniors & other dependent on government entitlements, so he can say, see what they (the GOP) did ?…or…will Obama just veto everything and we go into default ?
I remember being optimistic and had faith in the U.S. for what she stood for during and after the Ronald Reagan years…since then, it’s dwindled to this.
There were problems, but they were mostly dealt with leadership and for the better interest of the U.S., her allies, and the world at large.
I do not see leadership or a direction for any greater good from our government. I see corruption in all levels of government, industry, and most of the people…or people who don’t want to deal with the realities so they just ignore it in their private fantasy land.
Debt Crisis, EMP escalating threats, Muslim Sharia, etc. I do have to wonder how a responsible U.S. in her heyday would have dealt with this mess.
I see hopelessness emanating from the news daily, the only one’s with a hope are those who put their trust in Jesus Christ, not in the things of this world.
I just bought the Nook for my wife and the very first book I “shopped” was the King James Version, which actually ended up costing 99 cents (there was some free version, but I only trust the KJV). Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that the downloaded version is an illustrated version containing King James’ (or Prince James) introduction, which clearly compels the people of the kingdom to read the bible to know the ways all should be walking.
Unlike America, which is the exact opposite – The government of America, including the bigot/corrupt judges, does not want anyone to know the ways they should be walking (the seven spirits). In fact, the bigot/corrupt judges consider exposure to the word and spirit of God to be harmful.
Frankly, I don’t see any life support. I just see all things grim just over the horizon.
Don – keep blogs like the past two coming. I love how you don’t hold back. I love the “mad max” analogy – scary, but a very real possibility. The pending wars will render this big godless government inoperable, particularly when (not if) there is an EMP attack. Just absolutely insane. If I were to describe America in one word, it would be insane.
That classic picture of Iwojima, now that was a picture that made this country proud. If only we had the love of country that we had back then. If every American looked at that picture this weekend and celebrated that picture, we’d have a country again.
God Bless you all, be safe, and have a grateful Independence Day.
Thank You Don!!!
To all my fellow believers, have a blessed time to celebrate our freedoms in America, and especially our freedom in Christ Jesus.
I never thought I would even think this: this could be our last Fourth of July as the United States of America…
BUT our eternal citizenship is in God’s Kingdom, and we will meet to celebrate His extravagance, mercy and grace to us, the Church, His Beloved! Our place is reserved and there is a place for everyone who simply surrenders to our King!!! We are **so blessed**!!!
I have read your blog for some time now and enjoy it. I have never responded, but today I just wanted you to know there are probably many like me.
Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, our glorious future.
Thanks for taking the time to tell me Bruce
Don ,
Ditto to Bruce’s comments, There is so much information on your blog, I am still working my
way through your articles. I am learning a lot from your posts. The time your spend trying to
wake people up to reality is appreciated. Hope you have a BLESSED Holiday Weekend.
Thanks Don. Have a great weekend by celebrating the birth of our nation and you will likely be annoying a USA hating liberal to boot.
Time for us rural people to organize a mobile pool party using the back of our red white and blue pickup trucks. We can call it a redneck pride parade 😎
Don ,
I do have a pickup truck , but it’s gray with a flag on it. I have the unfortunate circumstance
of having a sister who is a die hard liberal. My wife always asks me not to engage in any
political discussions when my sister comes to visit. I will celebrate my freedom this weekend.
My attitude is that my freedom in Christ is something to celebrate every day. Once in awhile I
remind my sister that I am her big brother so as the oldest I can say what I want even to her.
I guess you just can’t change a ole Texas country boy. Annoying liberals is something I do really well. I am almost as politically incorrect as Jesus was to the Pharisees. BLESSINGS!!!!
We are proud of you. Annoy a liberal by telling them that Jesus was conservative. Quote passages of “Demonic” by Ann Coulter from the back of your pickup truck.
Or just tell them that global warming is a statist socialist crock made up for liberals that will believe anything. Or tell them that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery and his “Audacity” was actually written by an audacious white terrorist, etc etc. There is a lot of truth out there that will set liberals off like a fire cracker on the fourth of July.
Don ,
Problem with liberals is that they can’t handle the truth. Abe Lincoln said the truth does not
hurt unless it ought to. Have you heard how upset Dennis Miller was when Al Gore bought the
house next doot to him in Monticedo ( next to Santa Barbara ) in California. If Gore lived next
door to me I’d burn my trash. Telling a liberal that Jesus is in fact Almighty God really sets
them off. Not only is the birth certificate a forgery , it’s a poor quality forgery. Obama can’t give a speech without a teleprompter , why would any intelligent person believe he could
write a book ? OK , I’ve sounded off enough. Today is my youngest daughter’s 18th birthday so
I need to go celebrate with her.
Anyone going to Joplin for the 4th celebration?
Hi Don Fritts,
If I had the misfortune of living next door to Al Gore…I’d idle my SUV in my driveway.
Wow, another Texan…well, as I said before, Texas has the most Jesus Loving signs I’ve ever seen…seems wherever I go in Texas, Jesus is surely spoken of…but I guess, reality says, there are lib’s there, of course…too bad for such an awesome state.
The people who comment on this blog are so awesome…and Don’s not so bad himself : )
Austin (UT) seems to be the lib center of Texas.
Hey Bob From Texas,
So…Austin Texas is the mentally deranged capital of Texas huh ?…I’ll remember that.
There are many places in TX I’d move to…I’ll just stay away from Austin if I do.
In Texas it would probably have to be west of the Pecos for me. Mountains, dry, sunny and some areas are well over 4000 foot elevation to get out of heat. Also no fire ants.
What about your plans to move into downtown New York City where you could have huge bunches of liberals surrounding you at all times : )
I agree – stay away from fire ants. I still don’t know why God created fire ants.
I think Dallas/Ft. Worth is capital of the WOF folks.
OK Bob and Don,
I know this is going to sound bizarre but I am really intrigued with ants…they really are incredibly smart and powerful, taking into account their size.
They gather food in the summer, for their winter dwelling…and the holes that they make are usually water proof (for rain), yet their caverns allow them to drink…amazing what God has created even down to the ant.
And yes, I know, the fire ant stings and hurts humans but it’s really intended to kill their prey.
You probably will also be intrigued with the huge flying fire ants of Revelation chapter 9 and they are not intended to kill their prey.
I really hope I’m not here to see those Revelation9 Locusts, shaped like horses for battle, that sting like a scorpion.
I’m just saying that I think highly, and am intrigued, by what God has created. I think nature and the Ecosystem is beauty created by Gods hand.
4th of July (Independence Day)…
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” ~Patrick Henry
It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. ~ George Washington
In my mind, debating or bringing up quotes from the past as to what principles the nation might have started on is futile. The fact is that the nation has turned out the lights and walked away from those principles of 200 years ago. Thomas Jefferson and his time seems to be the official beginning of the end, the turning point when the founding principles were officially abandoned (also a futile debate).
The most disturbing aspect is how [bigoted/corrupt] judges are the supreme rulers and the will of the people is casually discarded. That is THE recipe for civil war, at a time when world war is looming. Add to that all the high tech material dependence and this nation is staring at unparalleled disaster.
I would like to think America could make it to July 4, 2012, but that prospect is seemingly dicey – as a poster above also commented.
re: “Obama was sent to execute judgment on the nation” (paraphrase from prior blog) — interesting. I hadn’t thought of it that way.
Insane is how I see it. Anything but truth. My upcoming vacation to the Grand Canyon should be interesting as truth (flood) collides with ridiculous lies about how some stream over millions/billions years (bow down for the sacred phrase… “millions and billions of years”) carved it out — no, those layers are called sediment – the flood formed them naturally very quickly (there’s that word again). Yep, insane is the operative word.
Now, back to those fireworks…
As the one who posted those quotes of Patrick Henry & George Washington, I agree that it is futility as far as debate.
I commented those because of the Independence day holiday and because I agree with those quotes as this nation has turned it’s back on the Living God…and this (what you see today) is what you get.
In fact Craig, I agree with everything you said in all your paragraphs.
~David, thanks… I’m actually surprised with the Patrick Henry quote and it is very wise – you would never hear a statesman say something that straight up today.
While I’m on the subject of the constitution, I just skimmed an article about how Obama and the DEMs want to skirt the debt limit by wrangling (corrupting) the 14th amendment of the Constitution. I just read article 4 and there is no way in the world it can be re-interpreted to their agenda of manipulating the debt limit without Congressional authority: They simply are ignoring the phrase: “authorized by law”; Article 4 of Amendment 14 cannot possibly be reinterpreted to skirt congress. If Obama even attempts such a dastardly deed, he has thus acted with CONTEMPT of the constitution. That goes far beyond immediate impeachment proceedings – that is treason. And any of the DEM accomplices should be thrown in jail at the very least.
And don’t even get me started on the corrupt judges in Michigan throwing out a state constitution amendment by corrupting the 14th amendment, by putting on record that the state constitutional amendment, by 58% of the populous, was (and I am not making this up) “onerous”; It really wouldn’t matter if it were a simple state law – these perverted judges have an agenda to throw out the will of the people with casual disregard. It’s amazing how pure corruption will weazle the words of the constitution to mean something entirely different. Kind of like Don’s fury with the corrupt evangelical movement corrupting God’s very own words. This nation is rotten to the core.
~David, et al – have a blessed 4th.
It must be that to become a supreme court judge in our nations one must be ignorant of justice, have a degree in law, and most importantly an honorary degree in socialist humanism.
Hey Brian The Aussie; I agree – although they re-define justice as “social justice” and make it their God. They process “law” through the filter of “social justice” and then render their decisions. Of course, they define justice. They look at people in our age bracket and calculate that our carbon footprint is larger than what we contribute to society and so we become “expendable.” That is social justice in their view.
Hi Bob,
Yeah, it certainly seems that way in regard to us older folks.
It’s almost like a ‘Logan’s Run’ mentality….hope they never come up with the mandatory “carousel” when we reach a certain age.
I guess the Sandmen would be after Christians more than the older folks anyway.
Logan’s Run! – I had forgotten about that story. I use to have nightmares about that.
Hi Bob,
I think we have something worse and more sinister than Logan’s Run…It’s the nightmare of the “Liberal Run”…and Obama is the Head Sandman : )
Judges trashing the constitution is assuredly self defeating – who’s to say, when they destroy all rights, privileges and protections the constitution provides, that these perverted judges would have any shred of rights, privileges or protections themselves? Throughout all of history, no government has ever stood on might.
The government taking a coward stance in the face of untold disaster looming on the horizon is also assuredly self defeating. Logan’s run and sandmen doesn’t play out in the face of an EMP.
The governor of MD, Spendening (‘er, Glendening), did one thing smart – he went about to pull the NFL offer off the table. Art Model snatched the offer before it expired and moved the then Cleveland Browns to Baltimore. If the congress/government et al even attempt to close the EMP gap and harden the power supply, the adversaries of what’s left of a free America will be crawling out of the woodwork to fire off an attack.
An EMP wipes the slate clean. I.e., mad max. Those corrupt Judges are history at that point. Might of the people will become the rule of law.
See today’s post
Hmmm, if I remember right (from the book), much of civilization collapsed and only a few active cities remained, and the computers in these cities kept all the resources in equilibrium by creating the myth surrounding the artificially shortened lifespans of the inhabitants. The book was MUCH BETTER than the movie or TV series.
With respect to the “Mad Max Scenario,” Jack Kelly has a nice lesson this week What Tastes Sweet as Honey But Turns Your Stomach Sour.
Seems not to many people are commenting the last few days so I wanted to take the opportunity to say something…
Through all the problems with the U.S. and the world in these prophetic years, for those who Love The Lord and read his Word daily, there is much joy to be had.
I listen to a favorite pastor of mine (Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel) daily on his CD series as he takes me through the Word Of God, then I read the chapters I was taught.
It is truly uplifting and no matter how bad things get, it’s something I can count on and be joyful about.
I hope all who read Don’s blog read the Word Of God daily and are as fortunate as I am…to be so joyful daily in God’s Word.
Hi David,
I come to this blog daily but don’t post very often. There are some pretty heavy thinkers that write here. I usually don’t feel I can add much.
I have the feeling some event is about to happen that will “break” things wide open. I have no idea what it will be. I thought for awhile it would be another Gaza flotilla event – but the likelihood of that seems diminished.
The EPA seems to be pushing Texas and Perry regarding power plant emissions. Texas is an “electric island” so to speak. Many of the utilities may be unable to respond quickly enough and may have to shut down. Perry may get into “confrontation mode” with the EPA.
But, God is still in control. We can rest securely in that.
Hi’ya Bob,
I agree, there are some really awesome, great thinking people at Don’t blog and since I know that they’re going to be stuck with me for eternity, I’m thankful we have the chance to share and get to know one another.
I agree Bob, as we move closer to the Rapture and Jesus’ feet landing on the Mt. Of Olives, I feel a buildup and big happenings soon also.
For those who want to know what’s really wrong with this country, look no further than this story.
The Georgia Police diligently busted these two perpetrators while they were in the act of committing their heinous, unthinkable crime.
Well these sure are interesting days indeed.
Obama vs Boehner
Will Obama continue to get the “blank check” and continue to destroy our country with debt into oblivion…or…will Boehner prevail, which could cause Obama to lash out at American seniors & other dependent on government entitlements, so he can say, see what they (the GOP) did ?…or…will Obama just veto everything and we go into default ?
I remember being optimistic and had faith in the U.S. for what she stood for during and after the Ronald Reagan years…since then, it’s dwindled to this.
There were problems, but they were mostly dealt with leadership and for the better interest of the U.S., her allies, and the world at large.
I do not see leadership or a direction for any greater good from our government. I see corruption in all levels of government, industry, and most of the people…or people who don’t want to deal with the realities so they just ignore it in their private fantasy land.
Debt Crisis, EMP escalating threats, Muslim Sharia, etc. I do have to wonder how a responsible U.S. in her heyday would have dealt with this mess.
I see hopelessness emanating from the news daily, the only one’s with a hope are those who put their trust in Jesus Christ, not in the things of this world.