Dr. David Reagan has been receiving attacks on the Internet for his article in Lamplighter that debunked the concept of a Muslim Antichrist. One of the misconceptions of Muslim Antichrist proponents is that Islam is looking for a Mahdi that all Muslims will unite behind. They believe this Mahdi will be the Antichrist and will lead Muslims to fight against Israel and the “Christian” West. Never mind that there really is no Christian West, there is only a pseudo Christian West. There are more true Christians in Communist China than there are in today’s humanistic Europe.
I frankly do not know why Christians believe Muslim eschatology as if the lies of Islam can give Christians prophetic truth? Perhaps they do so for two reasons.
One reason is because one of the main proponents of this Muslim Antichrist theory recently converted from Islam and instead of properly learning Christian eschatology used his shoehorn to ram Shiite eschatology and Christian eschatology into the same shoe. Yet, only ten percent of Islam even believes the eschatology that this man claims all Muslims will follow.
The other reason is because they want to make biblical eschatology fit the main threat that they see in the world today because they think Jesus has to come within a decade. Sorry guys, but the Lord is coming on God’s time schedule not yours. They fall in the same trap so many others did in history, i.e. the Pope, Hitler. Today the observable threat is Islam so the Antichrist has to come from Islam.
Nevertheless, I keep telling everyone that the Antichrist will be lawless. That does not fit Islam at all because Islam is all about trying to keep the moral law. When the real Antichrist arrives people will believe that He is God and if there is any religion in the world other than the worship of him it will be more like new age and alien concepts.
These Muslim Antichrist proponents have a strawman Antichrist. When the real Antichrist figure comes people will want to follow him like he was their God. The world does not throw a party when the Antichrist arrives on the scene and kills the two witnesses because he is now imposing Islamic law on them. They are rejoicing because He just killed the two prophets of God and set them free from moral law. Are these Muslim Antichrist proponents serious telling me that the whole world will follow some Islamic Mahdi with Islamic moral laws all the way to Armageddon? Give me a break! The concept is beyond ridiculous.
Dr. Reagan in this article points out why the Muslim Antichrist proponents have it all wrong about the teaching of Islam.
Well put, Don. It seems that the “humble” seekers have already invaded Dr Reagan’s website. I’m afraid that it won’t be long before Nathan will be forced to moderate.
I must say I’m also a little amazed how some who purport to take an exegetical approach to Scripture do not take Shoebat to task on his unusual view of 666 actually being b’ism’allah. Yet, conversely, they get very pedantic about the Dan 9:26 when arguing about the meaning of the “people of the coming prince”.
There is also a tendency in this camp to limit the range and power of the Antichrist by arguing that Revelation doesn’t teach a global rule. Yet the word for earth that they say means region is also applied to Christ’s rule. I guess some will debate to prove want they want to believe rather than what Scripture says.
I enjoyed this view. I once held dearly to an Islamic AC…but have backed off. My studies however have found that Islamic AC proponents are consumed with Islamic element only…and the non-Islamic AC proponents…never mention Islam at all in their theories. That is how someone like Obama can fill both roles in both camps. He is Islamic ..but he’s not!
He could keep the Islamic people “quelled” as he fulfills his duties, where as a royal bloodline european will have no “sway” with the Islamic community. For the record I do not believe Obama is ther AC but he could play both sides of the coin and get each sides ear. Let’s face it there are 1.5 billion hardcore Koran believing Muslims that are infiltrating Europe, The US ,Scandinavia..etc. What will they say about a Jew or a White European ruling over them?
Non-Islamic AC proponents do often address Islam in their theories. We say unbelievers will follow the Antichrist and Muslims are unbelievers. That does not make the Beast or the AC Islamic.
Your looking at things before the native Europeans bring a backlash against the Muslim invaders. I assure you it will happen in Europe. Hedonism cannot dwell with Islamic law. After the civil war there will be no radical Islam in Europe. Only pluralistic universalism will be allowed. The war against radical Islam will most likely bring in the AC figure.
Hey Bill,
Great article! I came across while doing some homework on “Walid Shoebat and his beliefs”.
I think it’s interesting that I cannot find any “statement of faith” by either Walid or Joel Richardson. Is it just me, or have I missed something. Are you aware of their Doctrinal beliefs? If so, could you tell me where i might find them. As you know, I had a run in with Ray Gano recently. He at least puts up his statement of faith, and in seems to be a pretty good one.
I also find it interesting that these same men have other strange beliefs. Such as…
1. Antichrist & False Prophet are one and the same.
2. Possibly don’t believe in a “pre-trib.” rapture?
3. The numbers of Rev. 13 refer to a Muslim! (weird stuff)
4. I personally can attest to vitriol from Ray Gano, if you don’t agree with him. (He clumps us all as delusional, self-loathing, deceiving, and disgusting people”!)
I have searched and searched all over the internet, and can not find any statements of faith. They seem to spend all there time studying Islam, the Middle East, & each other, rather than studying the Bible.
God bless you brother, and let me know if you hear anything.
Your Friend in Christ,
Rob Madden, Pastor
No Bill here Rob, this is the blog of Don Koenig. Guess you have me mixed up with Bill Koenig.
I Personally think Walid and Richardson are highly influenced by the Muslim beliefs that they came out of. I think another parts of the problem is that fairly new converts now write books and are put in the limelight perhaps sooner than they should be if they were under discipleship.
I read your emails and Ray’s response and the response of others. I personally think everyone should realize that nobody has end time prophecy all figured out and these are not issues for Christian brethren to divide over. I wrote a Blog here called the “Bible prophecy wars over a Islamic Antichrist” because that is exactly what they have become.
Well I have to move on because I am in the middle of combine two blogs into one
Blessings, Don
@Rogue and Don,
No mean to offend you guys, but the antichrist will be a stern faced king from the north of Israel as prophesied in Daniel. The north of Israel is partly syria- which was the exact location for Antiochus Epiphanes, who is a subtype for the final antichrist. The Antichrist is called the assyrian who will persecute Israel, as mentioned in Isaiah 10:5 and 10:12. So that means that the guy will come from the location of assyria. It may seem highly unlikely now that the antichrist would be a world leader of the islamic world and a caliph over the future caliphate, but the events that are taking place in the middle east is preparing the world and the middle east for an islamic unity within the different sects of Islam. The fourth Beast kingdom in Daniel 7 is a composite beast of both the roman empire and the caliphate, which would be revived in the future. The kingdom during the time of John was the roman empire and it was the 6th kingdom. The 7th kingdom will break off from the roman empire and it will be the caliphate, which would also become an 8th kingdom. And when you start seeing the increase of islamic radicalization in the EU, and the increasing acceptance of the membership of certain middle eastern countries for the EU, just know that Jesus is coming really quickly. And just so everyone knows, the army of Titus during the siege of Jerusalem were mainly syrian and arabic. So in other words, the people of the prince who is to come were middle eastern. But other than that, great stuff Don. I really enjoy reading the stuff on your blog. Peace.
In responce to Rogue, I must say, these guys won’t take Scripture as it clearly reads!
Such as:
Zec 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
“all people” – “all the people of the earth”!
What more do they want? Scripture was not meant to be confusing, but simple & plain!
I like your two reasons of why they might use Islamic eschatology to determine true Scriptural prophecy! Once agian, thanks for your great insight & clarity!
Your Friend,
Pastor Rob madden
I would agree that Antochus IV Epiphanes was the foreshadow type of Antichrist. But, he came from a division of the remains of the Greek empire which was then taken over by the Roman Empire. I would remind people that Islam was not in existence at that time of Antochus Epiphanies and Polytheism was the main belief at them time. In fact, Antochus IV Ephiphanes actually worshiped Zeus and thought he was possessed by Zeus. AS a foreshadow of the Antichrist that tells me that the Antichrist is more likely to come in through a world returning to an all paths polytheism and pantheism then through Islam and when the Antichrist enters the Temple he will claim to be the Savior God and God of Gods. Names used for Zeus/Jupiter and he will set up a Image of Himself like did Antochus IV Ephiphanes that set up a image of Zeus/Jupiter.
Also the Antichrist is not called the Assyrian in the Bible, that is a conjecture some make because they superimpose the Antichrist on a passage that says nothing about the Antichrist. Sort of a bit of circular reasoning there.
The Events taking place today in the Middle East have little to do with any Antichrist figure. The War of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 have not even taken place yet. The Antichrist does not come until after a time of peace in that area. I really do not see how that is possible as long as Islam is a deadly enemy of Israel.
The ethic groups that destroyed the temple has been discussed many times and Muslim Antichrist proponents simply have not made a strong case. The fact remains that the Temple was destroyed by the Roman army even if there were mercenaries in that army.
Thanks for the blog enforcement.
Yeah Rob, there are many passages that indicate that this will be a judgment of the whole world. But it seems the Muslim proponents have a limited Antichrist and limited manmade judgments that are limited to the Middle East. I think the whole Islam deception is a deliberate deception of Satan. Like I said before, those that think Islam is the Beast will end up fighting against Islam and that very army will empower the real Beast.
Satan is a counterfeiter, He knows what the Bible says. He will give man a false tribulation through man’s own wars and then present the world a Savior at the end of this world war that they will accept. But, the real end will not come until God sends His own Savior to defeat the counterfeit that Satan setup and the whole world bought into.
Don, Curiosity question: What passage is “the Assyrian” found in that was referenced above?
Actually there is more than one passage that “could” apply to an Assyrian Antichrist. In fact I myself think there is a very good chance they he probably will come out of the same area as Antochus IV Epiphanes, or in other words, the area once controlled by the Greek General Seleucus, who ruled areas of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia. He probably will come out of this area when we see a Revived Roman Empire in this area.
That does not make the Antichrist a Muslim. Many in this area are not Muslims and we are not even sure if Islam survives as a religion by the time of the Antichrist. I think Islam will be absorbed by conquest or persuasion or wonders by the Woman on the Beast before the Antichrist even becomes known.
To answer your question the main passage used is Micah chapter 5 but some also support it with Isa chap’s 10 and 14. The Micah passage according to Jack Kelly played out in the past in the defeat of Assyrian King by Hezekiah in 701 BC. But Dr. David R. Reagan says this passage in Micah is all set in the Millennium. It seems even the best scholars differ.
There really is little doubt in my mind that Assyria will play a major end time role. I personally think the Antichrist will have roots in Iraq or Greece but at that point this whole area will be under the control of the revived Roman Empire. One reason I say that is after he becomes supernatural he seems to move his headquarters to Babylon. Of course good people will differ on this stuff. My main argument is that the Antichrist will not be Islamic, He will think they he is above anything called God.
Thank you. I appreciate your well reasoned help.
Well I would like to correct that Islam nowhere says that Mahdi will be the anti Christ and no Muslim believes that. They do believe that Muslims will gather around him and support him against evil doers who are causing corruption in the land. Muslims believe Mahdi to be a supporter of Jesus Christ Peace be upon him and not his opponent. That is a misconception that most people think that Mahdi is the anti Christ. There is a whole lot detail of the anti Christ and even his name is mentioned in the Quran. Hope you didn’t feel offended i felt i must comment on that. Thank you.
Hi Aamna,
I am not sure who you’re correcting here since this post is actually refuting that Muslims believe that the Mahdi is the Antichrist? Some Christian Bible prophecy teachers are saying that the Mahdi will be the Antichrist but you and I both know that will not turn out to be the case. Anyway, the post is against such Bible prophecy teachers. The Antichrist will not come from Islam.
Hi Don,
Awhile back (Feb 27, 2011) you were of the opinion that Islam may be absorbed by another religion. I was a bit mystified by that. Then, I saw a jaw dropping news article that the Pope gave a prayer in Arabic. Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 37/38 look closer every day
HI Bob,
Yeah, and also keep in mind that the previous Pope kissed the Quran. Revelation 17 is talking about one Harlot and the Vatican fits. Islam is just a false Religion but the Roman Catholic church was the only visible Christian church on earth that went into Harlotry with paganism and that killed the true saints. Now many of the Protestant churches that came out of her are also becoming harlots and more and more leaders are accepting her as Christian. However, the religion she has become lost the true gospel among their convoluted works theology and Babylonian paganism. She is A True Harlot, if I every saw one, much like ancient Israel. My conjecture is a Marian demonic deception after a great religious world war will move all back to Rome for the sake of world peace.